Sunday 4 October 2015

Week 4 - MTC Provo

"...Their Mothers had taught them."
MAURI AU UTU (Hello Family)!! 

I just thought I'd let you know that this is a family email (AU UTU is "my family") as I don't have time to write to everyone individually...
Answers to Questions... 

  1. What is your schedule at the MTC? My daily scheduled except for Fridays and Sundays is wake up 6:30, breakie 7:10, class 7:40, GYM 10:50, lunch 12:10, class 12:50, Dinner 5:10, Class 6:00, return to residence 9:30, lights out 10:30.
  2. Who are the missionaries in your District? Missionaries in my district, Elders Graham (Minnesota), Larsen (Utah), Tomlinson (Utah), Christensen (somewhere in US), Hoskins (Georgia, US), Johnson (Utah), Osborne (Washington), Ellis (Temple View, NZ!!), Powell (Utah) and Sisters Vuvute (Fiji), Wamura (PNG), Baldwin (Utah), Aubanks (somewhere in US).
  3. Have you meet any other Australians in the MTC? There are three in my zone all heading to FIJI and 2 of them are from Logan & Ipswich. But there is only 6 other Australians at the MTC at the moment! 
  4. Will you get to watch General Conference? Not sure how we are watching general conference yet but I've never been so excited for it.
  5. Are you getting itchy feet (wanting to head to Kiribati)?Yes I definitely am getting itchy feet, I can not wait to meet the people they sound so nice and funny. there is one Kiribati Sister left at the MTC which we speak to at lunch. Its so cool even though the conversation is always the same.
Thanks for the box of Candy, U.S. Cadbury chocolate has nothing on Aussie Cadbury. I also really liked the brown and light blue striped woolen tie, not really a fan of the polka dot ties.  

Fun fact about language: "Simple song" translates to KUNA MAATATA. how cool is that! 

Highlights of the week: On Monday the MTC watched the live broadcast of RICHARD G. SCOTT's funeral which was nice.
On Tuesday nights the MTC has Devotionals where someone usually from the Seventies comes and speaks. This week we had CLAUDIO R.M. COSTA of the Seventy speak and he had some really cool things to say. The thing I like most was that he helped me realise that coming on a mission isn't a sacrifice but an honor. And I am truly Honored to be apart of Gods army and the gathering of Israel. 

The rest of the week consisted of eat, study, eat, study, eat, study, sleep and repeat. And today (P-day) we went to the temple, had a nap, now emailing, lunch, volleyball, basketball or kickball (baseball but you kick it), laundry, study then dinner. p-day ends 6:00 and we go back to class. 

That's about it for this week. Alright, I look forward to hearing from you! till next week! 

Love Elder Berends. 

Provo Temple

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