Saturday 23 January 2016

Week 16 - Kiritimati

Email dated: January 4, 2016

Mauri Moa,

Has the new camera charger been sent yet? Really missing having a camera? I received the the parcel from that down under box company, rats almost got it and lots of ants got to it but they only managed to get to the Minties. The TimTams and Shapes were so good! And it's good to have Vegimite again. 

This week has been lame, new month means bills need to be paid so that's what has been happening here. On Wednesday we spent the whole day at the airport because a missionary was coming home. The plane was meant to land around 7am but it chickened out because of the rain and went straight to Hawaii. It was going to return at around 12pm so we went back home to study and then back to the airport again to find out it was landing at 3pm so we stayed until it landed. 

We had a lot of good lessons planned that day.Tatonga's baptism has been postponed again he had a little bit of alcohol on new years, even though he insisted that he was ready. But the harder the struggle the harder the convert. So yeah not so successful this week, but bills have to be paid, and people need to picked up for the airport.

One crazy story from this week, the Elders from London had a break-in at their house. All that was stolen was a torch, speaker and USB with all of Elder Johnson's picture from his mission. There was also food crums on the floor so the thief was hungry. A store owner near by said she saw a kid snooping around and apparently this kid is known for being sketchy. We asked for more details and everyone just knows him as the kid who is always sniffing petrol. We know him, his name is Morei and he is/was our investigator,he's not all right in the head because of his addiction to sniffing petrol and he doesnt have a home which is sad. But we knew where he hangs out in the afternoon so we went there and one of our other investigators, she said she saw Morei with a USB and she heard that an Elders USB had been stolen so she took from him so it was good we get the USB back. 

The next day we were driving and we saw Morei... tied up to a pole... with a crowd of people around him and one of them had a hammer. We had no idea what to do but waved awkwardly as we drove past. So yeah hopefully next week is more successful,
love you all

Love Elder Berends 

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