Email dated: July 25, 2016
Everything is going good, our investigators are legit... I'm really excited about the work right now. Me and Elder Grant are trying to work with the ward as much are possible right now, trying to boost up home/visiting teaching and really working on getting prospective Elders ready to receive the Melchizedek Priesthood. There is so much work to be done! We are doing this all, as well as working with all our investigators. Our investigators are going so well!
We have this really cool lady, Teraimoa who asked us for the lessons! Shes 66 years old, hasn't been to any kind of church since she was little and just decided when she saw us that it was time to change her life. She is also really good at making Kiribati things (bwaai ni Kiribati) she made a cool cover for my Book of Mormon and shes making one for my planner.
We have this really cool lady, Teraimoa who asked us for the lessons! Shes 66 years old, hasn't been to any kind of church since she was little and just decided when she saw us that it was time to change her life. She is also really good at making Kiribati things (bwaai ni Kiribati) she made a cool cover for my Book of Mormon and shes making one for my planner.
Zone is going really well! Obedience is really good here in the West! I feel we are all getting along really well and we have a lot of fun playing volleyball on P-Days.
Funny observation, so this mission is known as a really unique mission because missionaries get sent to outer islands and are made Branch Presidents, run the church all by them selves. On top of that, no internet, sleep on the floor, no car, no airconditioning, no real house, no power, no postage, no cargo, etc... But since I've being in Kiribati, I've lived in the 2 nicest houses in the Mission with hot water, airconditioning and have always had a car except for 3 weeks in Temaiku.... I want to go experience an outer island so bad!! But I'll get my chance some day... hopefully. I have had a really unique mission compared to every other missionary in this mission.
So thats about it from me, loving my area, Zone Leader was a bit busy this week but excited for the week to come.
Love you all
Elder Berends