Hey Family
In Tarawa, the big city. There is so many people here its crazy, I'm not sure how many there are all up but in Betio (kind of like one of the suburbs) there's over 30,000 people! In Kiritimati all up there is only 6000, so yes a big change. First time dealing with Sister's as well.
The language is a mix of everywhere because everyone from Kiribati comes here for school and work. They also mix random english words as well, like they'll just use the word "start" instead of the kiribati word, "use" as well. Its pretty funny how they use it as well because to make a word past tense in Kiribati you add "aki" at the end so when they say used they say "usenaki".
My companion is Elder Neeti, from Kiritimati! I think I already told you that I dropped him of at the airport when he was heading to the MTC. We have talked a lot about home (I consider Kiritimati as home) and it was really cool to share with him that some of his friends and people he knows had been baptised.
Btw, Kiritimati was so hard leaving, I love that place and those people so much. Also Elder Miller, I don't know if I told you but he is the man, such a hard worker and we really did work hard together on our area and I am so sad to be leaving him, he is one of the best missionaries I have met on this mission so far.
The Tuesday before I left one of the families I got really close too put on a little Karaure for me. Tiim and Manuea is their names. They made me this sweet shirt with my name on it and they made some stuff for mum and dad also.
Ngaia, time to stop thinking about home in Kiritimati and I'll tell you a bit about Tarawa and Temaiku 2nd which is my area. Elder Osborne and I landed in Fiji on Wednesday and spent the night in a super nice hotel, so weird seeing mountains, street and traffic light and just normal civilization, in the airport we had Hungry Jacks (Burger King) that made me feel sick, hahah. And I finally got myself some thongs. (btw don't know I've told you but I haven't been wearing shoes for 6 weeks:/)
landed in Tarawa Thursday and where picked up by zone leaders, Elders Tiaon (kain: Kiritimati!) and Elder Young (kain: Sunshine coast!) both sweet Elders. Elder Young is actually really good friends with the Mackies down in Coffs Harbour and it was sick sharing memories on their house down the road from Oma & Opa's.
Elder Osborne flew out to Makin the next day on Friday. I love Elder Osborne he is such a nice guy and I've been with him since day 1 in the MTC and it was weird saying goodbye.
Our area in Temaiku 2nd is really cool but we do need to get the ball rolling and get the work moving along in the area. However Elder Neeti and a visa waiter Elder Maeri have been working it for a couple of weeks we have a baptism this Saturday. Her name is Ataniwi and I've only taught her twice but she is the coolest, happiest 30 year old!
So yeah this week we've 3 elders in our companionship, Elders Neeti, Maeri and and me. My companions don't know any english so you can be sure I'm taking full advantage of this opportunity to be with Kiribati Elders. Elder Maeri actually left for the MTC this morning, he'll be working in the Philippines. But just Neeti and I now, but it was really good to work with Elder Maeri for a couple of days, he is so cool.
So yeah new places, new faces and I cant wait to get the ball rolling here in Temaiku.
alright that about it for now. love yalls
Love Elder Berends.